Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Loving Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory

There's just so much that there is to love about the show The Big Bang Theory. I actually started watching it because every week after it came on and I would be on the phone with my mom she would tell me that I should start watching it. Well, after hearing about that for a whole season, I caught up on the first season and have been watching the show faithfully since then. And when I'm at home visiting my parents, I love to watch episodes from DVR with them.

I love to read all kinds of spoilers about the show too and will pass those along to my mom. She does the same too. When I was looking up some spoilers last week, I ran across the website cleartvbundle.com. I looked through it some and after that I decided to change over the internet and TV service at my apartment to it.

I think that the show just wouldn't be the same if Sheldon wasn't on it or at least wasn't so neurotic. I just love that about him.

Guest post written by Penny Carlson

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